Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bonifacio Movies Summary

The film then brings us to the present-day, in the gymnasium of a Catholic high school with a typical scene of bullying. A graduating student with altruistic values, as played by Daniel Patella, steps in. It promises an interesting storyline of parallel values but as the saying goes, promises are meant to broken. Together with two other students and a curator of a museum dedicated to Boniface, they uncover history through documents, to support the accuracy Of the claims the film presents. They serve not only as unnecessary narrators but also represent the inspired youth and dedicated historians, as expendable anchors to reality. There is not much progression with these one-shots as they interweave and later interrupt much of the dramatic storytelling reeking the inertia, and blemishing an already excellent biopic. (It is the intention of the reviewer to point this out early on so that the reader can opt to tune out these jarring moments, hoping to bring a greater appreciation of the film. On a certain level, Boniface: Nag Unsung Pangolin is a symbiotic mengage trots among Andrea Boniface, played by a subdued Robin Patella until the character goes in fits of rage and control is lost; Gregorian Aryans De Jesus, suited by Avian Morale, whose story relevance grows in time; and the country, particularly the nations persecuted masses. The first part cements heir common love for justice and social upheaval. Further tribulations in family affairs in the latter sections gave their love story an alluring kind of sadness as unfortunately; this has been Andresens only rock in his untimely demise.For this layer alone, it already provides a compelling drama, the beef in the burger patty. This patty becomes heavier and juicier with the other meatier layers and astounding audio-visual elements that gives its distinguishing flavor. The personal and historical highlights can be arranged to three chronological sets of discovery. Benefactions active involvement in the event stems from his spirit grown from the seeds left by the death of the Sombrero, and a fellow nationalist, DRP. Jose Racial, exemplary enlivened by Jericho Resale from line delivery to deft hand gestures.A beautifully lighted meeting between the imprisoned Racial, radiating in blue hue, and Boniface, in orange, not only intensifies their opposing actions and philosophies but also foreshadows the first acts end where Boniface steps up as the leader of a new movement set on a more violent approach to freedom. The endearing cinematography is also introduced with a nun-directional camera work mooing out from Racial to a long table filled by intently listening members of La Alga Filipino, an early prototypical movement that failed to set off, signifying his influence and magnitude of his intellect.This is contrasted near the end of the act with a circular directionless round table discussion, stopping with Boniface, as he assumes responsibility, gaining power from the trust of his peers. This kind of camera trail to display the influence of a notable hero is again used with Continual prior to the third act as he draws much of his power from influence by his peers, illustrating a different Continual that is either pure good nor demonic evil. The first act culminates on natural daylight as the Justinian emerges from the shadows of the caves of Montanan, where they are not just individual sources of light but now a force to reckon with.Interspersed with this scene, a digital vector animation of the myth of Bernard Carpi is played, as a homage to the Filipino grassroots inspiration of Justinian and also as a warning for the future Andrea to face. The pattern of light encompassing not the characters persona, then progressing to break the monotonous dark atmosphere is a consistent lawless style, repeated throughout the next two acts, with the second leading to the iconic Jigsaw as Pagan Lawn (Cry of Pagan Lawn), which wages battles Of life and death and not just mere prop aganda for the minds.For the final act, a well-choreographed night ambush, a quasi-climax that is a Pyrrhic victory in retrospect, gives the necessary energy for the painstakingly emotional yet horrifying death that comes to our hero whose only mistake is loving too much and being busy in seeking the light amidst the personal agendas who claim to seek the same. A reverse of the setup on light and dark rather emphasizes the dreadful truth, with the reflection of the light from the moon punctuating the ironic somber ending. The third act may have ended in the past but its continuation in the present shows the results of the revolution. A well-illuminated world, as opposed to the foremost gloom in the initial scenes, is a product of the blood-drenched revolution that is note over. Soon after, the narration poses a question and some insights that would again boil down to the final scene of rising action that takes place in the heart of the revolution. With the skillful mingling of chiaroscuro as part of its interrogatory, fascinating marriage of screenplay and drama, subtle political machinations and societal factors trapping our forlorn hero, Boniface: Nag Unsung Pangolin is a layered tragic love story to the country that will always be relevant in the age of revisionism.A good metric of this is how it is able to move individuals, people, a nation with or without the recognition of passion more than a century after offering an incomparable sacrifice. Summary of the Movie El Presidents The story is told in flashbacks as Emilio Continual thanks the US government for giving him the opportunity to attend the full restor ation of Philippine independence on July 4, 1946. The film begins with his capture by Philippine and IIS forces under Frederick Functions command in 1901 , then flashes back to 1 886, when an old woman gives Continual and childhood friend Candida Tirana cryptic prophecies.Ten years later, Continual is inducted into the Justinian and later assumes leadership of its Cavity chapter while becoming mayor of Cavity El Viejo. When trouble breaks out in Manila in late August 1896, Continual tries to assure the Spanish provincial government of non-interference and covertly marshals his forces despite a lack of weapons. Learning that the Spanish costly put their forces in Manila, Continual finally mobiles his troops and take the fight to Spanish troops in Cavity.As the rebels gain ground in Cavity and several provinces, its Magical and Managing factions convene to elect a provisional government. Andrea Boniface oversees the Testers Convention, which elects Continual as president, Marino Trial as vice-president, and himself as interior minister. He storms out of the convention when Daniel Tirana objects to his election. Gondolas brother Scrupulous informs him of his accession and convinces him to leave his troops just as he was seeking to defend against the Spaniards at Passing Santos.The rebels are defeated and Scrupulous is killed. Meanwhile, an embittered Boniface establishes his own revolutionary government and is later arrested. Continual is concerned about Benefactions actions and wanted him exiled, but the War Council advises his execution. Several months later, Continual leaves Cavity with most of his forces intact and makes it to Bias-an-Boat in Vulcan, where he signs the Pact of Bias-an- Boat and heads for Hong Kong.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Got Milk Advertisement Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Got Milk Advertisement Analysis - Essay Example The body copy of this ad is strong in the sense that it suggests that having strong bones is pertinent to the females’ bodies since bones usually grow till an age of 35 years. The calcium present within milk makes a woman look strong and make her feel healthy at the same time. More than that there is no harm in having a schedule which is reliant on consuming milk and it is a part of her fashion regime all the same. The subtextual content is also demonstrated by the girl’s dressing style where certain parts of her body are kept naked so as to have a sort of interest by the target audience, i.e. both males and females. (Davis, 2005) This woman holds a glass filled with milk till the half level which implies that she drinks on a regular basis and hence the reason that she remains fit and healthy. Also some milk is left on the corners of her lips which proves the notion just mentioned. The element of sexuality is very clearly presented within this ad since the manner in whi ch the woman has been attired speaks volumes about the way the ad is being targeted to the people under study. Her belly is apparent enough and so is one of her breasts which suggest that the ad is hitting on the sexuality aspects that have been presented within the ad itself.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

BBUS 381 A1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BBUS 381 A1 - Essay Example Take an assumption that employees within a company have their own goals, and personalities. On this basis, employees cannot be perceived as part and parcel of the organization (Dressler, Reka and Cole, 2011). The principles of human resource management hold that the company should enact group and individual psychology for purposes of making these employees to strive in achieving the goals of the company. On this basis, human resource management aims at achieving the strategic goals of an organization by retaining, attracting and developing the talents of its employees. Dressler, Reka and Cole (2011) observe that human resource management acts as a link between the employees and the management of the organization. Human resource management helps an organization to develop strategies that will assess the various needs of its employees, and thereafter develop methods that will make these employees view their positions as part of their everyday responsibilities (Fudge, 2012). On this bas is, human resource management is a very important element in an organization because it creates loyalty amongst the employees of the organization improving their efficiency in their work place. ... For instance, the company has a human resource department, which is charged with the responsibility of identifying talented individuals to work within the company (Chang, 2012). The company has a human resource development center, which is tasked with the responsibility of training its employees on how to meet the objectives of the organization. The center is also responsible for developing the skills of the various employees that the company employs. This is for purposes of ensuring that these skills are effectively utilized within the company (Fudge, 2012). The human resource development center is also responsible for identifying the various needs of the company’s employees, and methods of satisfying those needs. This is because the aim of this process is to create loyalty amongst its employees; as a result there will be an increased efficiency in their roles. Chang (2012) observes that the company has a reward system, where employees are recognized for their performances, a nd rewarded by the organization. The rewards can either be monetary, or take the form of promotions within the organization. As a result of this policy, the employees of the organization are always working hard, with the hope of getting a promotion, or a reward. These human resource strategies by Samsung have made the company to be one of the leading electronic companies in the world. Part B: Samsung Group is a company from South Korea, with a global presence. The head quarter of the company is in Seoul, in a town referred to as Samsung. Samsung has an interest in the food processing sector, the electronics industry, insurance, and the retail industry. In 1987, the company operated under four business groups which are the Hansol