Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Five Days At Memorial Essay - 550 Words

Five Days At Memorial (Essay Sample) Content: ÂFive days at memorial during hurricaneName:Institution:Course:Instructor:DateQuestion 1Sheri Fink does a good job in recreating these conditions because it helps one be able to have the strength to overcome any similar situation. It also requires people to read without judging the characters.Question2The behavior and the decisions made by the medical staff at Memorial were irrational. They were trying to rescue patients who had survival chances and neglecting those that they thought would not survive. Patients should be given equal medical attention. The lethal injections of morphine are shocking because that is murder. Patients were injected with morphine in order to die instead of leaving them to die naturally. That the patients were going to die does not justify killing them.According to Dr. Ewing Cook, the humane thing was to put them out instead of leaving them. Making this decision is hard. Both leaving and killing them are so scary and haunting. I think pu tting out is sad and terrifying though it gave the patients a peaceful death rather being left to die.Question 3The most shocking thing is the horrific conditions everyone operated under. There was confusion and doctors not knowing the how to handle the situation in order to save patients and rescue themselves at the same time.Question 4The conditions at New Orleans Memorial were devastating. As a patient, it is disheartening and disturbing because you cannot help yourself at all. You only depend on assistance from other people. As a doctor, it is stressful because the patients depend on you for help even if you are in no position to offer them that help.Under these conditions, I would have tried every means possible to stay alive to wait for rescue.Question 5Ethics that doctors are supposed to uphold in a disaster is that they should not kill someone under any circumstance. They should treat all patients with equality. They should be held to the same standards that operate under no rmal conditions. This is because legal and ethical standards should always be maintained, and there is s no exception. There is no gray area in ethics when things go disastrously wrong.Question 6In such situation that occurred at Memorial, patients should be saved first. It is important first to protect patients and rush them to another hospital for immediate medical attention. The other victims like the doctors can be saved after the patients because they can stay to wait. Their health conditions are not wanting. These decisions should be made by the person in charge of the rescue team, for example, the government.Question 7Dr. Pou injected patients with high doses of morphine in order to die. The decision to euthanize patients was discussed. ...