Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Music A Style Of Music - 868 Words

By walking through with the moonlight, we went to Berklee Colley together with professor Carl Clements to enjoy Danny Harrington and John Baboian quartet for celebrating both of them have been making music together for almost forty years when they began as students at Berklee in 1975, and that partnership has been continued until now. Bruce Gertz played on bass and Phil McGowan on drums. All of them played very perfect jazz music for us. After the concert, I am really interested in jazz music, because I think it is full of inventive and creative that the player can show their emotion such as happiness or sadness in the music. Jazz is a style of music that originated in blues. At the beginning of the 20th century, African America, who were slaves in that time singing chant in the farm to pick cotton for encouraging themselves working harder. New Orleans is the place, which jazz was born that many famous singers are also born in New Orleans such as Louis Armstrong. As we know that common instruments used in jazz music are trumpet, piano and saxophone. We have learnt various styles of jazz on the class, such us ragtime, New Orleans, swing, bebop and so on. Ragtime is a kind of style music that enjoyed its peak from 1895 to 1918. By using Syncopation to recurrence the subject and then it becoming the early jazz, which has thirty-two bands and the form is AABA. Besides, New Orleans is a traditional jazz that originated in New Orleans and becoming famous in Chicago. Besides,Show MoreRelatedMusic Styles Of Music And Music1220 Words   |  5 Pagesapproaches, I had the chance to look back over the last few weeks and take the opportunity to see how I have grown in regards to music, styles of music, meaning behind the music, and so on. While I am pretty open to many genres of music, this course allowed me to sit and actually take in the different genres. I was able to explore the different sounds and beats of each style of music as well. Week one started off with the early sounds of the blues. I explored and listened to sings like, Robert Johnson,Read MoreThe Music Style Of The Blues1129 Words   |  5 PagesThe music style known as the Blues emerged in the American South during the 1890s. It drew on a mix of many African-American music styles with others. Some of the styles it drew upon include African-American spirituals, traditional songs, European hymns, folk ballads, work songs and hollers, and contemporary dance music. By the 1910s, the time period when the first recorded blues were published as sheet music, the blues had taken the form that is recognized today; the 12 bar blues form.(Shmoop) Read MoreThe History of Music Styles1362 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: A study of the history of music styles brings to the fore two distinct periods, Baroque and Classical. The purpose of this essay is to provide a comparison between the two musical eras through the exploration of two different composers and their works, namely Antonio Vivaldi and his Four Seasons ‘Spring’ in the maximized Baroque era and the minimalist approaches of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Symphony. Moreover this essay will review the unique social, cultural, technological an musicalRead MoreMusic as Art. My Favorite Music Style.1147 Words   |  5 PagesMusic as art. My favorite music style. Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence that are organized in time in a special way. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. In the historical context the development of music is inseparable from the active development of person’s sensory abilities. 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Unlike many rappers, this particular Latin American band uses their music to speak upon the current issues people are facing instead of the usual money sex and fame. From the name of theRead MoreMusic: Historical Eras, Styles, and Compositions1879 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿This concert consisted of four pieces, all played by two musicians: one on piano and the other on viola. Four pieces were included in this concert. They varied significantly in terms of their historical era, their style, their composition, and the overall feel. The first piece was by Ludwig van Beethoven. It was Beethovens 7 Variations on Bei Mì ±â€žnnern, welche Liebe fì ² ´hlen, which is For Men Who Feel Love from Mozarts The Magic Flute. The second piece was a Sonata in G-minor Op.19, which wasRead MoreMusic Essay on Beethovens Heroic Style1993 Words   |  8 Pages Loh 1 Ms Yang Tien Music Historical Overview 3rd September Beethoven and the heroic style Early eighteenth century marked the beginning of the middle period, which was said to be the most productive period out of his three compositional periods as some of his most magnificent works were produced during this time (Lockwood, 194). In this paper, I will examine the heroic style - why it came about, what are some characteristics of ‘heroic’ music and through the analysis of a ‘productRead MoreThe Baroque Style Within Gospel Music Essay2094 Words   |  9 PagesThe Baroque Style within Gospel Music Growing up in a Christian family, a minister as a father, a musician as a mother, Gospel music was the prominent source of musical entertainment in my childhood. As my peers listened to and could tell you about current hip hop, rap, and rb music, I could do the same with Gospel. It wasn’t until high school, when I started my pursuit of music, that I started learning the classical style and developing an appreciation for it. However, in my endeavor, I came toRead MoreA music genre is a category of pieces of music that share a certain style or â€Å"basic musical900 Words   |  4 PagesA music genre is a category of pieces of music that share a certain style or â€Å"basic musical language† (van der Merwe 1989, p.3). The two articles that I will be comparing are â€Å"Genres, Subgenres, Sub-Subgenres and More† by Kembrew McLeod (2001) and â€Å"On the Value of Popular Music† by S. Firth (1996). Categorizing music is especially challenging when it comes t o fitting it into sub genres. As we move through the ages, and technology and communication becomes more complex, newer and unique genres are

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