Sunday, August 23, 2020

How is Conflict Portrayed in the Poems in the Conflict Section? Essay

The idea of contention is a conflict or meeting up. There are a wide range of sorts of contention; it can come in changing sizes of size and force. For instance something which starts off as a family quarrel may wind up as a World War. We can take a gander at the reasons for strife, what really occurs or the impacts. Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ illustrates the wonder and respect of warriors fighting as it occurs. It depicts an episode during the Battle of Balaklava during the Crimean War. Sheers’ ‘Mametz Wood’ centers around the outcome and worthlessness of war. Hughes’ ‘Hawk Roosting’ took a gander at the reasons for struggle, somebody who has power yet needs more and doesn't consider the impacts of what they are going to do on others. Another sonnet by Hughes is ‘Bayonet Charge’ where there is a warrior in fight attempting to escape from getting shot. Tennyson’s sonnet watches the fight from a separation as though he had a decent perspective. He was not a member like the sonnets of Wilfred Owen or Rupert Brook who composed their sonnets and passed on in the channels of the First World War. Tennyson lays the right foundation of fight and makes the environment for ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by the structure and structure of the sonnet. The six refrains have a reasonable and incredible dactylic cadence, speaking to the running hooves of the ponies as they race into fight. The peruser is conveyed alongside the progression of the sonnet and the vitality of the fight, which is accentuated by redundancy, from the initial two lines of the primary verse of the sonnet: â€Å"Half a class, a large portion of a group, Half an association onward.† A feeling of inclusion is made for the peruser by reiteration, for example, â€Å"cannon† proposing the tenacious ambush from all sides â€Å"Cannon to one side of them, Cannon to one side of them, Cannon before them† which underscores the perils looked by the mounted force and their extraordinary fortitude. The differentiation couldn't be more prominent in ‘Mametz Wood’. Albeit the two sonnets are written as an outsider looking in there is a feeling of separation and separation inside this sonnet as Sheers thinks about a vain fight. There is no promptness of association. Though the cadence conveys you along in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, the contention in ‘Mametz Wood’ is among over a significant time span. The sonnet switches between the passing of the officers in fight and the shocking disclosure of their skeletons in the present. â€Å"Twenty men covered in one long grave† is diverged from the current tenderness and vision of moving open country. A miserable and intelligent inclination is made using a three-line refrain, long sentences and enjambment â€Å"their skeletons delayed mid move shocking/in boots that outlived them†. The breaks between refrains give the peruser chance to think about the line of warriors who their arms connected in a shallow grave †maybe as a joke by those that covered them. Dissimilar to in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, you are given no sign of the genuine clash which happened, only a portion of the outcomes. Feeling is accentuated by boots outliving the men. The two sonnets memorialize superfluous massacre. The two occasions which they depend on were legitimately the aftereffect of poor authority. â€Å"Someone had blunder’d† in the choice to assault in the Battle of Balaklava however Tennyson underlined that taking requests is respectable. â€Å"Theirs was not to motivation behind why,/Theirs was yet to do and die†. In ‘Mametz Wood’, criminal idiocy of requests â€Å"to walk, not run† made them sitting targets. Both poet’s respect dedication and submission where youthful, novice and undeveloped troopers kicked the bucket in their hundreds without scrutinizing the requests they had been given. With more than 200 men â€Å"storm’d at with shot and shell† with the similar sounding word usage recommending flying projectiles in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, the fighters in ‘Mametz Wood’ were mown somewhere around â€Å"nesting machine guns†, an incredible paradoxical expression which gives the automatic weapons expectation they don't merit. In ‘Hawk Roosting’ anyway struggle is made by the bird of prey imagining that he is the King of the world and can do anything he prefers. The striking symbolism stresses the barbarity and pointlessness of war with death being inescapable. The language utilized in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ makes a solid feeling of the brutality. Without addressing orders, 600 officers are ‘plunged in the battery-smoke’ while surrounding them guns ‘Volley’d and thunder’d’ as they obeyed orders and dove into the â€Å"valley of death†, â€Å"jaws of Death† and â€Å"mouth of Hell† which proposes a predator standing by quietly to eat its prey. By utilizing such incredible action words, allegories and embodiment the picture of the fight and the misery of the circumstance confronted is depicted clearly. Anyway Tennyson commends troopers and gestures of recognition their quality and fearlessness â€Å"Boldly they rode and well†. In ‘Mametz Wood’, Sheers underlines human fragility, considering a to be as it passes momentarily in the progressio n of time. The hues and surfaces feature this. The representations â€Å"broken bird’s egg of a skull† and ‘the china plate of a shoulder blade’ speak to fragility. In ‘Mametz Wood’ the earth is exemplified as somebody who needs mending. The ranchers â€Å"tended† the land making a picture of something which needs nursing back to wellbeing. A connection is made in the fourth verse with an analogy where the rise of the bones from the dirt is â€Å"like an injury working a remote body to the outside of the skin†. Not at all like â€Å"Death† and â€Å"Hell† the earth watches the dead soldiers’ recollections and bodies, securing them until they are found. Earth is pushing them to the surface with the goal that we don’t overlook. This is likewise a reference that the troopers were outsiders who ought not have been in France. In spite of the fact that ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ is an acclaimed Tennyson sonnet I think ‘Mametz Wood’ is all the more remarkable. The two of them depict genuine occasions and the revulsions of contention and show the class divisions between commanders providing their requests and the men who tail them. There is a basic message in the two sonnets about the misuse of life in war. The clear image of a charge riding a horse and the fearlessness of the Light Brigade are to be appreciated and respected not overlooked. Anyway ‘Mametz Wood’ is all the more impressive in the manner it ponders the pointlessness of war. It is peaceful and attentive. There is no fight, just men strolling to their demise because of poor initiative. The rising up out of the ground of sensitive skeletons attempting to shout out something however with â€Å"absent tongues† in their â€Å"socketed heads† proposes that the dead are attempting to speak wi th the living. Presently we hear them, their message and their catastrophe. The sonnet is a type of uncovering as it brings back through words an encounter since quite a while ago overlooked. As individuals state on Remembrance Day consistently: ‘We will Remember Them’.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Poor quality exports

In spite of the way that low quality items are restricted available to be purchased in the United States and Europe, these items despite everything discover their way into different markets outside the expressed markets. A few nations, particularly the creating nations, are therefore being overwhelmed with reused, old, outdated or harmed merchandise from the universal markets.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Poor quality fares explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This represents a major issue to nearby makers in such nations and it is additionally a potential time bomb that will undoubtedly debilitate global exchange ties. With the contemporary endeavors that organizations and nations are making towards getting a portion of the universal market, the previously mentioned routine exportation of low quality products will undoubtedly eliminate itself. Creating nations have been reasonably connected with a wide range of issues. These nations are typic ally exposed to out of line exchange understandings by different nations that offer them improvement help. It is these understandings that clear route for importation of low quality products in the creating nations. An advancement accomplice may offer to help a given creating nation to build streets with the terms that all the materials to be utilized in this task will originate from the nation undertaking the venture. This pulls in abuse of the creating nation since the nation might not have a decision. In this manner low quality development materials will be imported to the nation. The exportation of low quality merchandise will undoubtedly carry issues to the two gatherings included. The nation to which the merchandise are sent out will unquestionably confront issues from the opposition of items from nearby makers with the imported items. The imported items will undoubtedly diminish the interest for privately made items since, with their low quality, they will most presumably be offered at low costs. The other issue will be the impacts that these low quality items will have on the shoppers. For example, the expressed instance of a street worked with low quality materials, the street will most presumably get harmed rapidly. This will prompt disappointment of partners in its nation of home. The impact of this will be that the exporter who gave the merchandise and enterprises to the nation might be restricted from executing with the nation. With the expressed contemporary endeavors y organizations and nations to economically build up themselves in the global markets and with the contemporary purchasers who esteem quality, such practices as the exportation of low quality merchandise will undoubtedly turn into the contemporary dinosaurs.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consumers are progressively angling for merchandise from the worldwide mar kets so as to get quality products. It, in this way, follows when the quality is undermined, they will have nothing to do with the organization or nation giving the merchandise and time, the exporters of low quality merchandise should deliver and send out quality items. In spite of the fact that there are various elements that make it hard to totally eliminate the exportation of low quality items, the training will, without a doubt, get wiped out with time. This is because of the rising interest for quality merchandise and the expanding monetary freedom of creating nations. The nations that training this untrustworthy exchange conduct should assume liability and discover better methods of arriving at the poor markets in creating nations. This is on the grounds that the low quality merchandise that they fare to such nations may effectsly affect their shoppers. One of the methodologies that such exporters may utilize is the creation of value products in enormous amounts and implied fo r fare to specific nations. They would then be able to enter in concurrences with such nations to guarantee that they will sell in huge amounts. This article on Poor quality fares was composed and put together by client Brittany P. to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Five Days At Memorial Essay - 550 Words

Five Days At Memorial (Essay Sample) Content: ÂFive days at memorial during hurricaneName:Institution:Course:Instructor:DateQuestion 1Sheri Fink does a good job in recreating these conditions because it helps one be able to have the strength to overcome any similar situation. It also requires people to read without judging the characters.Question2The behavior and the decisions made by the medical staff at Memorial were irrational. They were trying to rescue patients who had survival chances and neglecting those that they thought would not survive. Patients should be given equal medical attention. The lethal injections of morphine are shocking because that is murder. Patients were injected with morphine in order to die instead of leaving them to die naturally. That the patients were going to die does not justify killing them.According to Dr. Ewing Cook, the humane thing was to put them out instead of leaving them. Making this decision is hard. Both leaving and killing them are so scary and haunting. I think pu tting out is sad and terrifying though it gave the patients a peaceful death rather being left to die.Question 3The most shocking thing is the horrific conditions everyone operated under. There was confusion and doctors not knowing the how to handle the situation in order to save patients and rescue themselves at the same time.Question 4The conditions at New Orleans Memorial were devastating. As a patient, it is disheartening and disturbing because you cannot help yourself at all. You only depend on assistance from other people. As a doctor, it is stressful because the patients depend on you for help even if you are in no position to offer them that help.Under these conditions, I would have tried every means possible to stay alive to wait for rescue.Question 5Ethics that doctors are supposed to uphold in a disaster is that they should not kill someone under any circumstance. They should treat all patients with equality. They should be held to the same standards that operate under no rmal conditions. This is because legal and ethical standards should always be maintained, and there is s no exception. There is no gray area in ethics when things go disastrously wrong.Question 6In such situation that occurred at Memorial, patients should be saved first. It is important first to protect patients and rush them to another hospital for immediate medical attention. The other victims like the doctors can be saved after the patients because they can stay to wait. Their health conditions are not wanting. These decisions should be made by the person in charge of the rescue team, for example, the government.Question 7Dr. Pou injected patients with high doses of morphine in order to die. The decision to euthanize patients was discussed. ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Existence Of The Ego Trick Essay - 931 Words

This book really exemplified what it means to be me. Before reading this I could never put what I thought the self was into words. However, now that I have read this book this seems to be exactly how I think and feel about the self. One of the most interesting arguments Julian made throughout the book was the existence of The Ego Trick. This in my mind seems to be true. When we live our lives it is obvious to see that we are not the same person as we were several years ago. This is a curious thing because how can we not be the same throughout our lives? Given our experiences and different perceptions we change and morph into a new person throughout the years. However, we still retain a sense of self, we never say that you were not you several years ago. This is because of The Ego Trick. It follows that if you accept that all we are is a bundle of thoughts, experiences, and perceptions, as I do, then The Ego Trick is obviously true. When we try to look inward and find the self, all that greets us is different emotions, perceptions, and experiences. We cannot set aside these things because that is all we are. If your essence is perceptions and experiences, it is not possible to set these things aside and try to find yourself distinct from them. We are the sum of all of our perceptions and experiences. Once we accept that we are a bundle then it follows that there must be something tricking us into thinking that this bundle is a unified thing. The Ego TrickShow MoreRelatedSun Moon And Talia Summary1322 Words   |  6 PagesBasile conveys how inner drives can be the rise or fall of existence based on id, ego and superego. Talia and the queen as well as all the other characters in the story show why all three drives exists for different purposes. According to Freud our internal drives are what controls our moods and how we act in certain situations. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Music A Style Of Music - 868 Words

By walking through with the moonlight, we went to Berklee Colley together with professor Carl Clements to enjoy Danny Harrington and John Baboian quartet for celebrating both of them have been making music together for almost forty years when they began as students at Berklee in 1975, and that partnership has been continued until now. Bruce Gertz played on bass and Phil McGowan on drums. All of them played very perfect jazz music for us. After the concert, I am really interested in jazz music, because I think it is full of inventive and creative that the player can show their emotion such as happiness or sadness in the music. Jazz is a style of music that originated in blues. At the beginning of the 20th century, African America, who were slaves in that time singing chant in the farm to pick cotton for encouraging themselves working harder. New Orleans is the place, which jazz was born that many famous singers are also born in New Orleans such as Louis Armstrong. As we know that common instruments used in jazz music are trumpet, piano and saxophone. We have learnt various styles of jazz on the class, such us ragtime, New Orleans, swing, bebop and so on. Ragtime is a kind of style music that enjoyed its peak from 1895 to 1918. By using Syncopation to recurrence the subject and then it becoming the early jazz, which has thirty-two bands and the form is AABA. Besides, New Orleans is a traditional jazz that originated in New Orleans and becoming famous in Chicago. Besides,Show MoreRelatedMusic Styles Of Music And Music1220 Words   |  5 Pagesapproaches, I had the chance to look back over the last few weeks and take the opportunity to see how I have grown in regards to music, styles of music, meaning behind the music, and so on. While I am pretty open to many genres of music, this course allowed me to sit and actually take in the different genres. I was able to explore the different sounds and beats of each style of music as well. Week one started off with the early sounds of the blues. I explored and listened to sings like, Robert Johnson,Read MoreThe Music Style Of The Blues1129 Words   |  5 PagesThe music style known as the Blues emerged in the American South during the 1890s. It drew on a mix of many African-American music styles with others. Some of the styles it drew upon include African-American spirituals, traditional songs, European hymns, folk ballads, work songs and hollers, and contemporary dance music. By the 1910s, the time period when the first recorded blues were published as sheet music, the blues had taken the form that is recognized today; the 12 bar blues form.(Shmoop) Read MoreThe History of Music Styles1362 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: A study of the history of music styles brings to the fore two distinct periods, Baroque and Classical. 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Course of the auditory development of theRead MoreDifferent Styles Of Music Therapy828 Words   |  4 Pages Moreover, music therapy also has many benefits for PTSD, ASD and TBI victims. Music therapy can help PTSD and ASD patients expand their concentration levels. After experiencing a trauma many people have difficulty focusing on different things due to anxiety. Some research has shown that, military patients have done increasingly well on attention span tests (Kaplan). Some forms of music therapy consist of writing lyrics, which can help with expression and depression. Therapists have likewise usedRead MoreThe Music Style Calle 13972 Words   |  4 PagesJose Cabra Martinez â€Å"El Visistante† are the Puerto Rican step brothers that created the band Calle 13 in 2005. The music style Calle 13 incorporates into their music is Reggaeton with a range of different Latin American genres. Reggaeton originated from Puerto Rico, it is a collaboration of Latin dancehall and rap. 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As my peers listened to and could tell you about current hip hop, rap, and rb music, I could do the same with Gospel. It wasn’t until high school, when I started my pursuit of music, that I started learning the classical style and developing an appreciation for it. However, in my endeavor, I came toRead MoreA music genre is a category of pieces of music that share a certain style or â€Å"basic musical900 Words   |  4 PagesA music genre is a category of pieces of music that share a certain style or â€Å"basic musical language† (van der Merwe 1989, p.3). The two articles that I will be comparing are â€Å"Genres, Subgenres, Sub-Subgenres and More† by Kembrew McLeod (2001) and â€Å"On the Value of Popular Music† by S. Firth (1996). Categorizing music is especially challenging when it comes t o fitting it into sub genres. As we move through the ages, and technology and communication becomes more complex, newer and unique genres are

How do communities seek to exclude those who are different Essay Example For Students

How do communities seek to exclude those who are different? Essay Bristol university found that in the average local education authority in England, 50% of children would have to move school in order to achieve an even spread of races across schools, and in most cases, the school playgrounds were reflecting the Structure of highly-segregated neighbourhoods. In addition to minorities being excluded in school disabled children are too. The average school may not have the provisions to look after disabled child who may require one to one attention. A school specifically for these children where they are with others who require high amounts of attention may seem favourable to parents as they have the satisfaction that there child will have the help they need. and will not be subject to bullying due to their disability. Should the child go to a main stream school they may become segregated as they may not be able to keep the pace and participate as well due to mental difficulties. So which is the right choice? People are vulnerable to exclusion regardless of age or sex, but it is more of a problem for some ethnic minority groups particularly Somali and Pakistanis. Its never been clear as to weather refugees, immigrants or foreigners discriminated against sought to retain their identity or wished to merge as quickly as possible with the host population. Setting up their own community can have many problems. A temporary ghetto is a segregated area where populations become adjusted to their new ways of life, in particular they seek immediate refuge with their own kind until they become adjusted to the new country and once this is achieved they move on. A permanent Ghetto is a cultural group existing in a small community instead of being weakened and lost in the larger community of the new country. Often those original inhabitants nearby feel out numbered and uncomfortable in their own country. and the ghetto groups can use this to their advantage. An example of a permanent ghetto community is the Jewish populations, their segregation can be considered not as a need to exclude them for being different but due to needs rising from their religious customs, in particular dietary requirements, and having a synagogue nearby. The emergence of a ghetto or ethnic community area is also seen by some as a bad thing, they believe house prices will fall as the area is seen as being unattractive, not a safe place to live due to being outnumbered and conflicts may arise due to cultural differences. When asked about a ghetto many people give negative views and believe it to be an area where homeless, jobless people are given a place to stay, where they arent wanting to become integrated in society and resent anyone entering the area who is of a different type to themselves. One of the most well known cases of community segregation has to be in Northern Ireland where there is conflict between religions and beliefs. So much so that a tall wall separates the two groups. The place becomes marked out by the use of sectarian symbols, such as flags, wall murals and pavement markings, they become no go zones for the opposite groups. Bbc data shows only 22% would be happy to go shopping in areas dominated by another religion and 72% of all age groups questioned refused to use health centres in areas where the population was mainly the other religion. A survey taken recently of Belfasts communities finds the people living there have become more segregated since the peace process began. It showed 62% of those questioned felt community relations had worsened since 1994, after the first ceasefire. Older people too can suffer too. Seven out of 10 older people in deprived areas are victims of social exclusion, a new study claims. It also found that 45% of the elderly in the areas were living in poverty. In the worst cases, social exclusion can mean elderly people going without basics such as heating, new clothing, and food as well as being less involved in community life. .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .postImageUrl , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:hover , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:visited , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:active { border:0!important; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:active , .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634 .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2f18ba698ba55398afe4612a07bbd634:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Use of Foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men Steinbeck EssayNot only people living in inner city areas face exclusion, rural communities also do they are thinly spaced and the problem of social exclusion is not as obvious as in a city. It found young mothers, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities felt cut-off in small rural populations. A lack of services and support can lead to many feeling cut off from the wider world. In conclusion there is many ways people are excluded from their community and many groups affected but there is no easy answer to the nationwide problem especially in the short term. Along with government help and support, Targeting schools and educating children at a young age about the problems people can face when they are unemployed, old, or of an ethnic minority can be important. and may help solve the problems in the future for their generation. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our University Degree Social Work section.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The activities of Valley Grown Salads Essay Example

The activities of Valley Grown Salads Essay Valley grown salads aim to maintain their business, they have said, they would not like to expand their business at the present time. They thrive to produce high- quality fresh produce to the supermarkets; waitrose and Sainsbury. They aim to increase their goodwill and reputation for supplying the best. Valley Grown Salads are suppliers of high quality fresh produce from around the world to leading UK supermarket clients, including waitrose and Sainsbury.Valley grown salads only sell tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and aubergines. They are committed to enforcing high standards for their customers and their consumers, offering a reliable and flexible service that delivers the freshest products available. They grow from many different countries from around the world including Spain and Israel, in order to bring their customers the best quality product available for whole 12 month year.Valley grown salads grow their own vegetables and package them. Valley grown salads also maintain and operate company owned transport fleet this includes refrigerated lorries. Valley grown salads maintain 220,000 plants. Valley grown salads owns more than one little nursery: they own Valley Grown Salads -this is a 26,000 sq ft packaging facility and refrigerated storage and the pick up point for Lorries. We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The activities of Valley Grown Salads specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They also own Valley Grown Nurseries This is a 10 acre glass house which grows 220,000 plants which is equipped with energy efficient thermal screens also, in this nursery they employ 10 staff on full time.They also own Nature Choice This business is in south east Spain which only grows peppers, cucumbers and aubergines, which has 600 acres of available growing area in this sector. This sector of VGS also has 16,000 m2 of warehouse packing space. In this location they employ 230 staff of this there are 3 quality control teams with full traceability systems. Valley Grown Salads are partners with Edom UK, in Israel this sector of VGS is based in Israel, they supply premium quality peppers for UK markets. In partnership with Valley Grown Salads packing operation with 7 Israeli growers. VGS packaging and transport: the product, peppers cucumbers, tomatoes or aubergines, are received into their pack house in Nazing, where it is placed in their glidestock racking to ensure perfect stock rotation.The desired product is stored there in their high humidity refrigeration area before production. The products are then graded, for example a small pepper would be downgraded because of its size, packed and distributed to customer depots. It is then assessed by auditors before it leaves. When an orders is placed, it can be distributed maximum twice daily by VGS transport fleet, this includes refrigerated Lorries, to ensure maximum freshness for the customer in store, Sainsbury or Waitrose. Because VGS have overseas plantations the lorry drivers carry hand-held blackberry PDA devices, these can assess traffic or weather conditions therefore it is useful to the driver.Will Chelsea need to expand or change in the future to follow their aims? At the moment Chelsea F.C are in full s wing. Critics and bookmakers predict that Chelsea F.C may have a chance of taking all the trophies this year. However as time goes by their team will need to change in order to maintain their winning streak. They will need to buy new players in order to keep their team sheet full of a class players, for example new players come from all over the world are making a name for themselves its up to the scouts from the club to make sure they asses the right players. Inevitably they will need to change the stadium to keep up with modern day fashion and to maintain the appeal of new players.The business like Chelsea F.C Mega store will need to change their products every month, for example the Chelsea kit will change, so they will need to display the new kit on time to keep up with the needs of the Chelsea F.C fans, also the Chelsea F.C game may also need to be adapted. In order to maintain steady profit the hotels in Chelsea village may need to be upgraded and redecorated in time to come.W ill VGS need to expand or change in the future to follow their aims? VGS have stated that they would not like to expand at the present moment; they are satisfied with the profit. Because VGS are the suppliers to Sainsburys and waitrose they made need to change if they get more demand for a particular product from the store. At the moment though, if they were to grow more vegetables they would gain a surplus of unused vegetables. Inevitably they will need to change their equipment used in the warehouses and in the glasshouses e.g. the packing machines, Lorries etc. If they were asked by Sainsbury or waitrose for more goods then they will need to expand, not only in Nazing, but also abroad. Also Sainsbury or waitrose may ask VGS for a new product in the past VGS only sold cucumbers and tomatoes, for example sweet corn.Functional areas of Chelsea Village Human Resources training, Recruitment and appraisal The main purpose of the human resource department is to find the right employee , the right amount of employees and at the right time, achieving this will fulfil the purpose of the human resource department Training is an important part of Chelsea F.C; Josà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Maurino pays out thousands to get his team trained and in form for the next match. Training is needed to train other staff as well, for example, the groundkeeper may need training for a new grass cutter. Another example is the burger bar employs a new cooker; he/she may need training to flip a burger etc.Recruiting staff is very costly and time consuming it is also an essential part of any business, especially in a business as large as Chelsea Village. Poor choices when recruiting may prove expensive. The company needs to be sure of the new employees technical capability. For example, if a new tour guide fails to turn up 3 days in a row, the company loses both time and money and they may be liable for a penalty charge because of the delay. Also the recruitment of new players is crucial in deciding the outcome of Chelsea F.C, because if they are paying 20 million pounds they will need to make sure that the player is perfect for the job.In a company as big as Chelsea village some form of report on employees is needed to make sure they are fulfilling their aims and objectives, therefore they use appraisal methods. Appraisal is the formal or informal process which an employee is able to discuss their training and development needs with an appraiser The actual football team may have an appraiser for every squad member, the appraisal department may be good for motivation because it provides the opportunity for employees to identify ways of meeting their work needs for example, Frank Lampard may be disappointed at the state of their gym, therefore he may request some new equipment.